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Overview and Developmental Levels

Welcome you to our school, and I’m delighted to have you and your child’s presence in my classroom. My name is Mr. Connor, and I lead the 5/6 classroom at Courtyard. In our 5th/6th multiage classroom, students strengthen their empathy and sustain a growth mindset with rigorous curricula. We also incorporate a small group instruction which follows whole group instruction and provides students with a reduced student-teacher ratio, typically in groups of four to six students. Small group instruction allows us to work more closely with each student on a specific learning objective, reinforce skills learned in whole group instruction, and check for student understanding. This teaching method is based on constant activities around workstations: groups working with the teacher, teacher’s aide and groups working independently on varied activities, such as using manipulatives or computer/online resources. 

At this age group (10-12 years) psychologically, fellow peers have a large influence on how students shape their learning skills, daily goals, and decision making. Yet, by this age, students are also more aware of how their decisions, small or big, affect the world around them and their future roles in it. Building on this knowledge, my students will:

  • Delve into fun yet challenging projects centered on current problems that face our society, and connect key multi-curricular concepts to these projects- discovering the leaders, scholars, and artists within.
  • With the multiage dynamic, the 6th graders have the opportunity to become leaders and to model concepts to 5th grade students. 5th grade students have the opportunity to challenge 6th grade students with questions that make them reflect on built knowledge. Together, we will create an excellent team focused on discovery with clear, consistent communication.
  • They will affect each other’s development with empathy, cooperation, healthy self-confidence, and a high emotional IQ. Further, by integrating community service oriented field trips as a regular extension of curricula, students engage and share their strengths with the community.

By the 5/6 multiage classroom, the expectation of organization is high. They are preparing themselves for the higher expectations in Middle School of more self-reliance, where personal responsibility for their grades and actions towards getting there are a highly valued necessity.


Our school incorporates a two year cycle with science and social studies curriculums for all grade levels.

One year we cover these topics:

  • Social Studies – Ancient Civilizations: Sumer, Egypt, India, Greece, Athens, Sparta, Rome, Islam, Mayas, Aztecs, Incas
  • Science – Systems and Subsystems in Earth and Life Science; Earth Systems, Weather, and Organisms (Cells, Traits for Survival and Reproduction, Bodies, Genes)

The next year we cover these topics:

  • Social Studies – American History: European Exploration to the American Revolution
  • Science – Living Things and Ecosystems; Earth Systems; Changes in Matter; Earth, Moon, and Stars
  • Math and ELA are divided into small heterogeneous groups that access each student at his or her academic level plus an extra push (L+1).
  • Writing: Narrative, Opinion, Informative

Field Trips

Our overnight field trips are also on a two year cycle. One year the class takes a 5-day trip to trip to either Catalina Islands, Santa Monica, or Olympic National Park. The following year the class travels to Astrocamp.

Courtyard Private School